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Isbit Vad Fir Baby to Wear Smaller Diaper

Choosing the Right Diaper Size for Your Baby

  • Video: How to Choose the Right Diaper Size for Your Baby
  • Why Is It Important to Buy the Correct Sized Diaper?
  • What Diaper Size Chart Is Usually Followed?
  • How to Know If You Have Chosen the Right Diaper Size?
  • How to Know If It Is the Right Time to up a Diaper Size?

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Now that a baby has bounced his way into your lives, diapers may seem like one of the most important requirements for the first few years! But are you aware that choosing the right size in diapers is way important than you could think? If you have begun to scratch your brains and wish to know more about this topic, well, we are here with thorough information on the topic that can be useful to you in making your baby's and your life more comfortable and easier!

Video: How to Choose the Right Diaper Size for Your Baby

Why Is It Important to Buy the Correct Sized Diaper?

Unlike clothes, diapers are not bought according to the age of the baby rather a baby's weight is the most important parameter for buying diapers. If the diaper is not in the correct size it may not only lead to a lot of inconvenience and discomfort but it may also lead to blowouts, rashes, leakages, and other such mishaps. As parents, you need to understand that just like babies are born with different birth weights and sizes, the diaper requirements for the babies would be based on that too. Usually, five sizes can include newborn, small, medium, large, and extra-large.

The wrong diaper size can be frustrating for the baby. Therefore, if you wish to make your baby feel comfortable and happy and keep your house poop and pee safe, you need to pick up the right diaper size for your munchkin.

What Diaper Size Chart Is Usually Followed?

Diapers are certainly one of the most important requirements that parents cannot even think of doing without. And buying a diaper is also not that easy because if you buy the wrong size, you are not only at the risk of diaper mishaps and your baby may also be uncomfortable and cranky. However, we will share a diaper size chart that may help you choose. Here is the diaper size chart that will give a fair idea about picking up the correct size for the baby.

Weight of the baby Size
Babies up to 6 pounds Preemie diaper size
Babies up to 10 pounds Newborn diaper size
Babies from 8 to 14 pounds Size 1 diapers
Babies from 12 to 18 pounds Size 2 diapers
Babies from 16 to 28 pounds Size 3 diapers
Babies from 22 to 37 pounds Size 4 diapers
Babies who are 27 pounds and more Size 5 diapers
Babies who are 35 pounds and more Size 6 diapers

The following table shows the diaper size by age and weight of the baby:

Size Age Weight
N Newborn up to a few weeks Up to
1 2 to 4 months 8 to 14 pounds
2 4 to 7 months 12 to 18 pounds
3 7 to 12 months 16 to 28 pounds
4 18 to 48 months 22 to 37 pounds
5 3 years and up 27 pounds and up
6 4 years and up 35 pounds and up

Table source:

The tables show the average age and weight limit mentioned in diapers. The age and weight limits may vary according to different brands.

How to Know If You Have Chosen the Right Diaper Size?

How to Know that You Have Chosen The Right Diaper Size

It is very common to have on and off pee or poop mishaps with babies, however, if the accidents are happening more often, well, it is quite possible that the diaper size may not be suitable for your baby! Size issues or wrong fit diapers are one of the main reasons for diaper mishaps in the initial years and therefore, as parents, you need exercise caution while picking out the correct size. Here are some indicators that can help you in establishing whether or not you have picked up the right size for your munchkin:

1. Regular Leaks and Blowouts

If you are experiencing diaper mishaps on a regular basis, well, it's time to take the hint! This may be happening because the diaper size may be small for your baby that it may not hold your baby's wastes properly and also not able to provide optimum coverage to avoid any leaks or blowouts. If such accidents happen more frequently, you should know that you have picked up the wrong size.

2. Marks on Baby's Skin

Have you noticed any red marks around your baby's waist or his thighs?  If yes, then it is because of wearing a tight-fitting diaper. The diaper elastic is supposed to sit tight against your baby's skin to prevent any leaks but it should not be so tight that it makes marks on your baby's delicate skin. If you find such red marks, it means that you invested your money in buying the wrong diaper size.

3. Difficult to Tape

If you are experiencing any difficulty in taping the diaper or the edge of the tape is holding the diaper, it is a clear indication that you are using the wrong size for your baby! Forcefully closing the diaper tape not only increases the chances of diaper leaks and mishaps but it may also make the baby utterly uncomfortable.

4. Read the Size on the Box

Just the way a baby clothing brands make baby clothes keeping in mind the average size of the baby, the same rule applies for diapers. Though your baby's weight is an important parameter for establishing the size of the diaper, however, sometimes you may also have to keep in mind your baby's requirements. If your baby is pooping or peeping more during a particular phase (such as teething or crawling), you may have to buy a bigger size based on your baby's requirements rather than going blindly with the weight size mentioned on the diaper pack.

5. Test the Size

If you have been struggling in finding the perfect overnight diaper size or regular size for your munchkin, you should try one brand and size at a time. This means instead of hoarding diapers by just going by the weight and then experiencing diaper mishaps, it will be wise to buy a smaller batch first and test it before buying the entire supply of diapers that you may require for your baby.

How to Know If It Is the Right Time to up a Diaper Size?

The first struggle that newbie parents experience with diapers is learning the change them and the next struggle in line can be knowing exactly when it is time to go up the size! Babies grow rapidly in the first year after birth and so does their diaper sizes. Well, there is no need to feel overwhelmed as we have shortlisted some important pointers that can help you get a fair idea to know about the right time to up the diaper size for your baby:

1. The Waistband

One of the easiest ways to know is by checking the waistband of your baby's diaper. You can try using your finger to pull the diaper waistband by sliding your finger inside it. If you feel tightness or any kind of constriction on your finger, it is because the diaper may be too small and uncomfortable for your little one.

2. The Bum Coverage

Are your baby's butts covered nicely inside the diaper or are you can notice the diaper not giving the kind of coverage it used to give before? Well, if your baby's butt is not covered properly, it is time to switch to a bigger size. The diaper may not be able to meet the basic requirement that it is used for if it runs smaller in size as it may not be able to hold your baby's wastes properly!

3. The Tabs

Pay heed to the diaper tabs and you will get the clear hint! This means if tabs are closer to your baby's stomach, it means the diaper fits well. However, if the tabs are moving further away from the tummy region and you find it difficult to secure the tab, it tells you that you need to move up the diaper size.

4. The Size Guidelines

Another simple way of knowing the right time to change the swim diaper size or usual diaper size is by reading the weight guidelines on the diaper box. If your baby is close to the lower weight limit of the next diaper size range, you may want to switch to that size.

5. The Discomfort

Smaller diaper sizes often make babies uncomfortable and cranky and often lead to diaper accidents too. If you notice your baby having red marks around his waist, groin, thighs, or other areas, it is an indication that the diaper is too uncomfortable for the baby. Buy the next size for your munchkin if you notice any such marks or chaffing around your baby's diaper region.

Parenthood is one of the most thrilling and exciting experience for the parents. Sometimes on this roller-coaster ride, you may experience all the fun and excitement whereas some days may become a tad bit challenging. Well, the key to enjoy this phase is by taking each day as it comes and keeping your calm.

So, if you are buying diapers for your little one, make sure you pick the right size to ease your and your baby's life and it will not be that difficult!

Also Read:

Diapering Myths That You May Hear
Side-Effects Of Diapers On Your Little One
Estimate The Number of Diapers Your Baby May Need

Isbit Vad Fir Baby to Wear Smaller Diaper
