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Ch4 Chemistry Class 11 Ncert Solutions

Class 11 is a vital grade in high school. It is a must that students unlock their full potential to build a strong foundation for Class 12. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts exams based on understanding, knowledge, and application. Thus, in this article, we will take a look at the CBSE Chemistry Class 11 syllabus to better understand what all topics are to be covered. Chemistry is one of the most challenging subjects in Class 11. The entire paper of 100 marks is divided into two parts: theory of 70 marks and practical of 30 marks. For the academic year 2021-22, there have been no changes in the syllabus of either part. Prerequisite knowledge of introductory chemistry till Class 10 is critical to build a strong base and encourage a deeper understanding of topics. The weightage is allotted chapter-wise, and the question paper follows this weightage as the exam pattern.

Theory Syllabus of CBSE Chemistry Class 11

 Unit No.   Title   Marks
  1   2   Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry   Structure of Atom   11
  3   Classification of Elements and Periodicity in           properties   4
  4 5 6 7   Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure   States of Matter: Gases and Liquids                                 Chemical Thermodynamics   Equilibrium     21
  8   9   10   11   Redox Reactions   Hydrogen    S-Block Elements   P-Block Elements   16
  12     13   Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and      Techniques   Hydrocarbons 18
  Total   70

Summary of Class XI Chemistry Theory Syllabus

The first chapter in the CBSE Chemistry Class 11 syllabus is Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry contains a basic introduction about the importance and scope of chemistry. Chapter 2 Structure of Atom covers important models and principles about atoms and the concept of shells. Chapter 3 Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties focuses on the scope of the periodic table and periodic trends in properties of elements. Chapter 4 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure contains information on the types of bonds and a few bond theories. Chapter 5 States of Matter: Gases and Liquids covers the 3 states of matter and the role of gas laws in studying the concept of molecules. Chapter 6 Chemical Thermodynamics focuses on the concepts of systems and laws of thermodynamics. Chapter 7 Equilibrium contains information about the equilibrium in physical or chemical processes and ionic equilibrium. Chapter 8 Redox Reactions covers concepts of oxidation and reduction as well as redox reactions. Chapter 9 Hydrogen focuses on the position and properties of hydrogen. Chapter 10 s-block Elements contains a general introduction to Group 1 and 2 elements. Chapter 11 p-Block Elements covers a basic introduction to Group 13 and 14 elements. Chapter 12 Organic Chemistry focuses on the fundamental properties and classification of organic compounds. Lastly, chapter 13, Hydrocarbons, contains classifications of hydrocarbons into alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes.

The theory part of the CBSE Chemistry Class 11 syllabus 2021 covers many topics and contains valuable introductory information. The most important among these topics require the student to give special attention to achieve a proper understanding. They are Thermodynamics, Mole Concept, Ionic Equilibrium, Nuclear Chemistry, and Atomic Structure. The chapters with the most weightage are Chapter 12 Organic Chemistry and Chapter 13 Hydrocarbons, which have a combined weightage of 18 marks. In Organic Chemistry, information about electronic displacements in a covalent bond and Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond is also present. In Hydrocarbons, physical properties, methods of preparation, and chemical reactions for all classifications are also included. Preparing these two chapters well is the key to scoring high in the final exams.

Practical Syllabus of CBSE Chemistry Class 11

  Title   Marks
  Volumetric Analysis   8
  Salt Analysis   8
  Content-Based Experiment   6
  Project Work   4
  Class Record and Viva   4
  Total   30

The practical part of NCERT Chemistry Class 11 syllabus 2021 encompasses practical experiments, a content-based experiment, project work, class records, and viva. The student is marked on a holistic basis, and the following are micro-chemical methods available for several experiments:

A. Laboratory Techniques that are basic

1. Cutting a glass tube and a glass rod

2. Bending of a glass tube

3. Drawing of a glass jet

4. Boring of a cork

B. Purification of Chemical Substances and their Classification based on characteristics

1. Determining the melting point of organic compounds.

2. Determining the boiling point of organic compounds.

3. Crystallizing the impure sample of anyone: Alum, Benzoic Acid, Copper Sulphate.

C. Experiments based on pH

a) Any one of these experiments:

  1. Determining pH of a few solutions obtained from fruit juices, solutions of several concentrations of bases, acids, and salts using pH paper.

2. Comparison of the pH of strong or weak acids' solutions of the same concentration.

3. Studying the change in pH during the titration of any strong base using pH paper.

b) Studying the change in pH by common-ion for weak acids and bases.

D. Chemical Equilibrium

Any one of these experiments:

a) Studying the equilibrium shift between the ferric ions and thiocyanate ions by adding or reducing the concentration of either ion.

b) Studying the equilibrium shift between [Co (H2O)6] 2+ and ions of chloride by changing the concentration of either ion.

E. Quantitative Estimation

 i. Use of a mechanical balance or electronic balance.

ii. Preparing an Oxalic acid solution that is standardized.

iii. Determining the strength of a Sodium hydroxide solution by its titration against an Oxalic acid solution that is standardized.

iv. Preparing a Sodium carbonate solution that is standardized.

v. Determining the strength of a hydrochloric acid solution by its titration against a Sodium Carbonate solution that is standardized.

F. Qualitative Analysis

a) Determining one cation and one anion in a salt solution

Cations- Pb2+, Cu2+, As3+, Al3+, Fe3+, Mn2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mg2+, NH4 + Anions – (CO3) 2- , S2- , NO2 -, SO3 2- , SO2- 4, NO3 -, Cl-, Br-, I-, PO4 3- , C2O 2- 4, CH3COO

b) Detection of – Chlorine, Nitrogen, Sulphur in organic compounds.

c) Projects

Projects have to cover scientific investigations that involve proper laboratory testing and proper collection of information from secondary sources. Any topic may be chosen with the teacher's approval, provided it involves about ten work periods.

Summary of Practical Syllabus Class XI Chemistry

The practical part of CBSE Chemistry Class 11 syllabus 2021 contains practical experiments, a content-based experiment, project work, class records, and viva. The two experiments are volumetric analysis and salt analysis, allotted 8 marks each. The content-based experiment is allotted 6 marks. 4 marks each are given to project work and viva or class record. Thus, the total marks for the practical examination of Class 11 Chemistry are 35 marks.

FAQs of CBSE Chemistry Class 11

1. Which ones are the best books to study from for the CBSE Chemistry Class 11 examination?

The best book for CBSE Class 11 Chemistry is the NCERT book.

2. How should students prepare for 11th class CBSE Chemistry?

Students should create organized timetables for a subject like Chemistry. They need to study the basic concepts of chemistry, which their teachers teach. After completing each topic, they should practice the questions given at the end of each chapter. After the completion of the entire Chemistry syllabus, they need to attempt the full-length mock tests properly. These will help students revise the concepts for their final examinations.

3. From where should students prepare for Class 11th Chemistry?

Students can solve the Class 11 questions from their NCERT books and various guide books. They can also go through the last ten years' question papers to familiarize themselves with the entire coursework.

4. What are the primary topics in CBSE Class 11 chemistry?

The primary topics are:

1) Thermodynamics.

2) Mole Concept.

3) Ionic Equilibrium.

4) Nuclear Chemistry.

5) Atomic Structure.

5. Have there been any significant changes in the Chemistry syllabus from last year?

No, the 2021-22 Class 11 Chemistry syllabus has not been changed from last year.

Ch4 Chemistry Class 11 Ncert Solutions
