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How to Send Mms Over Wifi on Tmobile

  1. Carrie Greicar's Avatar

    I've been having issues with not getting MMS (and sometimes sms) to send over wi-fi when my cellular connection is next to nil (I work in a building that has virtual no cell signal) the problem is when the cell signal isn't present, wi-fi calling turns on but I am unable to send messages... Anyone else have this issue and an idea of how to fix it?

    07-13-2018 02:16 PM

  2. Ryano89's Avatar

    Originally Posted by Carrie Greicar

    I've been having issues with not getting MMS (and sometimes sms) to send over wi-fi when my cellular connection is next to nil (I work in a building that has virtual no cell signal) the problem is when the cell signal isn't present, wi-fi calling turns on but I am unable to send messages... Anyone else have this issue and an idea of how to fix it?

    I've spoken at great length with TMobile regarding the same issue. Their answer has been steadfast that their network is "not capable of sending or receiving mns over WiFi". I have no clue if it's true or not but that's what I was told. It's a huge problem for me, as I was previously with Verizon and did not have this problem.

    07-13-2018 03:35 PM

  3. Carrie Greicar's Avatar

    Originally Posted by Ryano89

    I've spoken at great length with TMobile regarding the same issue. Their answer has been steadfast that their network is "not capable of sending or receiving mns over WiFi". I have no clue if it's true or not but that's what I was told. It's a huge problem for me, as I was previously with Verizon and did not have this problem.

    Yes it's rather annoying. Their website says they have WiFi texting and that mms should work but ughhh.

    07-13-2018 03:55 PM

  4. piinkRainbowz's Avatar

  5. Ryano89's Avatar

    Originally Posted by piinkRainbowz

    All I can can tell you is that MMS over WiFi doesn't work, and they keep telling me that it won't. I've seen this page and that is why I called them, I don't think they know what their own website says.

    07-13-2018 05:10 PM

  6. Ryano89's Avatar

    Originally Posted by Carrie Greicar

    I've been having issues with not getting MMS (and sometimes sms) to send over wi-fi when my cellular connection is next to nil (I work in a building that has virtual no cell signal) the problem is when the cell signal isn't present, wi-fi calling turns on but I am unable to send messages... Anyone else have this issue and an idea of how to fix it?

    Just received this from TMobile on Twitter..."Perfect, thanks so much for completing that link so quickly for me Ryan! I know how confusing back and forth information can be so I want to get you the resolution that you need once and for all! Making sure you have all the right information the first time is crucial and I apologies about all the back and forth.

    After digging into a few details I do see that MMS is possible on WIFI, however you must have WIFI calling disabled. Can you turn this off and do a test MMS for me please?" So apparently if you can get a cell signal to make calls, you can use WiFi to receive MMS? Very odd.

    07-13-2018 05:59 PM

  7. Carrie Greicar's Avatar

    Originally Posted by piinkRainbowz

    That's actually not related to the mms problem though. But thank you for the info

    07-13-2018 06:35 PM

  8. Rukbat's Avatar

    SMS-MMS are currently in a transition state with any carrier (like TMO) that "complies" with RCS. RCS isn't fully defined yet, so different parts of the company may be working on different parts of RCS. (It's like MMS back in 2004 - theoretically, any phone that could receive an SMS could receive an MMS, but MMS still didn't work between carriers.) It will be worked out, but we're still taking baby steps, and breaking things, so it's going to take a while.

    07-15-2018 12:38 PM

  9. Ryano89's Avatar

    Originally Posted by Rukbat

    SMS-MMS are currently in a transition state with any carrier (like TMO) that "complies" with RCS. RCS isn't fully defined yet, so different parts of the company may be working on different parts of RCS. (It's like MMS back in 2004 - theoretically, any phone that could receive an SMS could receive an MMS, but MMS still didn't work between carriers.) It will be worked out, but we're still taking baby steps, and breaking things, so it's going to take a while.

    Thanks but we are discussing MMS over WiFi, not RCS.

    07-15-2018 01:06 PM

  10. piinkRainbowz's Avatar

    Mms or SMS over WiFi requires RCS support on the devices and through carrier. Otherwise you will need to use an third party app, like Allo.

    Below are settings which need to be enabled for it work properly.

    From an note 8 user whom uses WiFi alot to send larger MMs files and call on only WiFi at home alot.

    07-16-2018 02:04 PM

  11. Carrie Greicar's Avatar

    The link you posted isn't working for me. However that being said, my mms over wifi isn't working for other T-mobile customers either and that is supposed to have RCS.

    07-16-2018 02:22 PM

  12. Ryano89's Avatar

    Originally Posted by piinkRainbowz

    Mms or SMS over WiFi requires RCS support on the devices and through carrier. Otherwise you will need to use an third party app, like Allo.

    Below are settings which need to be enabled for it work properly.

    From an note 8 user whom uses WiFi alot to send larger MMs files and call on only WiFi at home alot.

    I've read this page many times, and it is in direct conflict with what TMobile support told me 3 days ago. They were adamant that WiFi calling must be turned OFF in order for MMS to work over WiFi.. here is a screenshot of the conversation.

    Attached Thumbnails Not able to send MMS over wifi (T-Mobile)-7745.jpg

    07-16-2018 05:18 PM

  13. Carrie Greicar's Avatar

    Ok I've actually got all those settings set as the page says. It still doesn't work.

    07-16-2018 05:27 PM

  14. piinkRainbowz's Avatar

    So maybe you got a few reps who don't understand what your asking for..

    I mean I get getting a few reps saying it doesn't work and TMobile saying it's not available. BUT Tmo, in tech news, was praised for introducing it first before others. And several manufacturers manuals (on their website) explain how to enable it.

    I don't know what you guys are expecting. But the only devices that can truly send messaging over WiFi without the carrier is apple (via imessages) which is true WiFi messaging. Sim card out, no signal and still able to message other iPhone users from their number and/or apple Id. Android is not on that level yet with out third party apps like Allo. Even then if iPhone user want to message non-iphone users over wifi they need carrier WiFi calling enabled.

    07-17-2018 12:47 AM

  15. Ryano89's Avatar

    Originally Posted by piinkRainbowz

    So maybe you got a few reps who don't understand what your asking for..

    I mean I get getting a few reps saying it doesn't work and TMobile saying it's not available. BUT Tmo, in tech news, was praised for introducing it first before others. And several manufacturers manuals (on their website) explain how to enable it.

    I don't know what you guys are expecting. But the only devices that can truly send messaging over WiFi without the carrier is apple (via imessages) which is true WiFi messaging. Sim card out, no signal and still able to message other iPhone users from their number and/or apple Id. Android is not on that level yet with out third party apps like Allo. Even then if iPhone user want to message non-iphone users over wifi they need carrier WiFi calling enabled.

    Pretty simple, I'm expecting MMS over WiFi to work.

    07-17-2018 06:44 AM

  16. piinkRainbowz's Avatar

    Just wanted to post one more thing.

    TMobile trouble shooting for WiFi calling mentions not being able to text or message over wifi.

    Hope this helps.

    Maybe you can also refer some of the TMO reps to look it up and see what further they can do if it doesn't work properly.

    I'm not trying to sound like I'm attacking you guys or seem sarcastic. But you need to call and ask for tech support and let them know an feature that their website says that work doesn't work. You may end up getting that one person who knows how to fix it. Especially if their website says it works.

    07-17-2018 10:34 AM

  17. Almeuit's Avatar

    Originally Posted by Ryano89

    I've read this page many times, and it is in direct conflict with what TMobile support told me 3 days ago. They were adamant that WiFi calling must be turned OFF in order for MMS to work over WiFi.. here is a screenshot of the conversation.

    At that point you aren't even doing MMS over WiFi. You are just using WiFi while MMS is being sent in the background via the data signal.

    07-17-2018 01:08 PM

  18. Ryano89's Avatar

    Originally Posted by Almeuit

    At that point you aren't even doing MMS over WiFi. You are just using WiFi while MMS is being sent in the background via the data signal.

    Exactly. I told her that what she was saying made no sense. I've just given up. I live out in the country so I basically cannot receive MMS since I rely on WiFi

    07-17-2018 09:27 PM

  19. Ryano89's Avatar

    Originally Posted by piinkRainbowz

    Just wanted to post one more thing.

    TMobile trouble shooting for WiFi calling mentions not being able to text or message over wifi.

    Hope this helps.

    Maybe you can also refer some of the TMO reps to look it up and see what further they can do if it doesn't work properly.

    I'm not trying to sound like I'm attacking you guys or seem sarcastic. But you need to call and ask for tech support and let them know an feature that their website says that work doesn't work. You may end up getting that one person who knows how to fix it. Especially if their website says it works.

    I don't feel attacked. But in my previous post I mentioned that I HAVE called and spoken with TMobile on many occasions, and I've been told that the network isn't capable. The first time they even acknowledged that it is possible was the other day when they mysteriously told me that I had to turn WiFi calling OFF to send MMS over WiFi, which makes zero sense to me. I appreciate you trying to help, but TMobile support has been useless in this topic, as they can't even seem to agree with each other on whether or not this feature is even supposed to work or not.

    07-17-2018 09:35 PM

  20. Almeuit's Avatar

    Ah yeah that's sucks.

    Originally Posted by Ryano89

    Exactly. I told her that what she was saying made no sense. I've just given up. I live out in the country so I basically cannot receive MMS since I rely on WiFi

    07-17-2018 09:37 PM

  21. Bodestone's Avatar

    It does suck bt the mms protocol is badly outdated. I am solely in the UK and ran a script on my phone to disable mobile data when on wi-fi and bang. No mms.

    MMS relies on carrier credentials and specific port information not provided over wifi.

    This was years ago and I stopped using it when they started charging heavily, and justifyably for supporting a badly designed and clunky protocol and infrastructure.

    Talks are apparently in progress to redefine the entire sms protocol along the lines of instant messaging to remove the need for 3rd party apps like snapchat to send free pictures but this will take time and obviously meet opposition.

    07-18-2018 04:46 PM

  22. Carrie Greicar's Avatar

    I may have fixed it on mine. In the developer's options I had keep mobile data turned on for faster switching from wifi to mobile. Well I unchecked that and it appears my texts/mms are now going through when the mobile data is next to nothing.

    07-31-2018 02:40 PM

  23. Dude_7's Avatar

    I turned on Wi-Fi calling and that fixed it on my Nexus 5X.

    01-31-2019 01:23 AM

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How to Send Mms Over Wifi on Tmobile
